Friday, January 15, 2010

Cauterize ~

The deep gash on my arm
the pain so real
as always,
left you unmoved.

Flesh hanging ,
shirt soaked in blood.
On a stretcher
outside the operation theater
to be stitched up.

Surely ,
this should have evoked
a different reaction .
I wonder.

With me you were.
Yet , a presence is all I can remember.

A tilt
towards my half brother and sister.
Let affections in my cup drain.

And then
you had to leave .
What could have been,is what never was.

Shelter uprooted, the roof blown away.
In one single moment ,
You were gone forever.

I look at my son.
Its me i see in his eyes.

I am to him,
what you should
have been ,
to me.

Every fear,each insecurity.
I'm there beside you son.

I love you far beyond my own self .
It's my childhood
I live in you .

with me you were,
Yet ,a presence is all I remember ...

Thought for the day ~

Come ,
Let us celebrate

Your pains
and sufferings,
the sorrows and losses.

the pain within
resonate pure joy.

Your hearts cry
fill you with laughter.

ride with me .
Every trough joyously
as every crest.

Live your life ,
your every breath
a celebration~

~ Ikkyu~

From the world of passions returning to the world of passions
There is a moment's pause.
If it rains, let it rain, if the wind blows, let it blow.

My real dwelling
Has no pillars
And no roof either
So rain cannot soak it
And wind cannot blow it down

No one really knows
The nature of birth
Nor the true dwelling place.
We return to the source
And turn to dust

If at the end of our journey
There is no final
Resting place,
Then we need not fear
Losing our Way.

No beginning,
No end.
Our mind
is born and dies:
The emptiness of emptiness!


25 Random things about me ~ frm facebook.


Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

So Now about me: 25 random things about me.

1. I love to travel .. not the regular tourist circuit .. but just about anywhere .

2. Love to take photos ...... like to blend a bit of art in mine .

3. have suffered slight hearing loss due to exposure to loud rock music in the early years.

4. Is more of a milk product person .. enjoy indian food the best .

5. Is left handed ...and right handed . I left with my right ..sorry write with my left and whats left i do with my write.

6.stayed in a jungle camp for almost a year .. working , not chilling out .

7. i feel fortunate to be connected with my core group of friends from school ... and the best part is nothing has changed even though we all so far apart.

8.learnt driiving ... in the seventh standard ... in a jonga jeep ..on the golf course .. jumping sand banks and chasing sheep .

9 achieved a turning point in 2008 materially that is ,surpringly it really did not make any difference to what i felt. Only made me realize its just another aspect.

10. feel life is about the life in ones years .. love Robin shamas quote " wake up early , you'll have enough time to sleep once you're dead " ;P

11. have an aversion towards people who tend to associate and interact with people filtered thru their status , laurels etc .. as if i care. I tend to regard superficial people as light.

12.was fortunate enough to be part of a delegation to a number of nations .. representing the state .

13. have enjoyed driving to most of the himalayan countries and states ... would love to visit Ladakh soon.

14. have gone across to bangladesh carrying a toothbrush soap and a towel walking .. to do the morning stuff ;P

15. have no specific idol or father figure ..but admire individual qualities in some great leaders and common people ..Gandhji ..or my sweeper .

16. wish i could swim , sing .. maybe do both of them together . :D ..

17. i can take the truth .. besides the crap .And I can respect you for it .

18. belive in simple yet fulfilling living .. with an enquiring mind , a healthy body .. contentment are the keys to happiness. Im working on it.

19 was on vegeterian food for more than a year .. got my people worried as hell .Had to get back to eating creatures in their better interest.

20 . like to read when the mood gets me . .. watch movies on cable regularly .Find comedy the best form of entertainment . Why pay to cry?

21. Have a sense of humour .. good enough for me .. and my friends.

22. Would love to keep a furry , cuddly pet . A loving dog ..or a garfieldish or snowballed cat .. read lazy cats. I can spend a whole day watching two kitties play baby lizards too. ;P

23. have experienced two NDEs .. near death experiences .. a sinking canoe in total darkness of the night ... a close brush with a huge snake of the venomous variety... a queer feeling of the soul wanting to jump out of the body and make a dash for safety.

24. have written and watched whole movie scripts in my dreams ..

25. have a deep rooted desire to go completely bald : )

Fatalistic ~

Strip me of my soul ,

rob my intrinsic self ...

Let me not remain me.

Stifle my hunger,

and let me flow...

As every other soul.

In me

let peace prevail.

Let me try this death....

( circa 1997 )

Last Night ~

The starry skies
and city lights
do not reach out to me .

Gaze as I do
looking for clues ...
comforts of reassurance
missing .

All is cold .

Soul perched on a high ledge
signs of life drift by ...
In the valley below
trucks roll by past midnight .

The pretence disappears
the gaze turns inwards.

How clueless can life get.

Joy and positivity
that in me radiated
and infected .

Was that my natural state or is this it .

Lessening intensities
works for a while .

Just a matter of time
till you're back ...

To your other side ....