Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A concept called Time.

( Just penning down a thought )
What is time but just a concept .

We wear watches to keep track of the moment. Seconds tick away but then does it really change the present?

The day is constant , the night too. Like all planets and stars in the solar system we are suspended for eternity or otherwise may be subject to an event which would terminate the existence or change the composition of matter .

I would rather say that events , happenings be it the setting of the sun , the condensation of clouds and thereafter rain are events ... Similarly in life , time measured in minutes and seconds doesn't really make sense , events be it our waking up in the morning , eating breakfast , going to work , playing , aging falling sick are events which we define by time. Events , the intervals between events , different events is measure by a concept called time. Time in itself is just a concept .

What matters are events.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Osho : thoughts

"If you really want to know who I am, you have to be as absolutely empty as I am. Then two mirrors will be facing each other, and only emptiness will be mirrored. Infinite emptiness will be mirrored: two mirrors facing each other. But if you have some idea, then you will see your own idea in me." – Osho“Love has nothing to do with somebody else, it is your state of being. Love is not a relationship. A relationship is possible but love is not confined to it, it beyond it, it is more than that ~ man becomes mature the moment he starts loving rather than needing. He starts overflowing, he starts sharing, he starts giving. And when two mature persons are in love, one of the greatest paradoxes of life happens, one of the most beautiful phenomena… they are together, and yet tremendously alone; they are almost one. But their oneness does not destroy their individuality.”- OSHO

A handful of Stardust.

Dreams and more dreams .

Lives we spend dreaming for one happy moment , an aquisition, an attainment , a person , so very single focus in approach that happiness will only be achieved only on the attainment . Losing track of the present god given gift we possess ...Life itself.

I'm no different in any way, longing and hoping for things to go my way . Oblivious to my own existence of pulsating life within me . Heartbeats lost , wasted in worry and hope . Oxidation in full progress , losing the only other gift of time in the process.

How i wish to exist in my own shell of timelessness and fond memories . Of moments lived and moments to be 'lived' not passed through. Acceptance of my limitations as an insignificant creature with little understanding of anything , yet reveling in the glory and miracle of existence itself.

Dreams die and so do you . Why die while we live ?

I guess i should stop dreaming instead. Live life fully awake ... Dreams have no place in life.