Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Daniel Lewis.

Lou had agreed to drop me at St Johns . The medical center was about an hours drive from our area . Having left for the centre early in the morning , we were there by ten. My appointment was due for eleven am.

An upgrade in my insurance had made it mandatory to undergo these unnecessary and time consuming tests. Thankfully on a saturday I wouldn't be missing out on office.

As I confirmed my appointment with the attendant , I noticed a figure seated in a wheel chair about ten yards directly behind me in the patient area . What was it that made me feel I knew the person on the wheelchair ? Turning around to make my way towards the exit I stared in total disbelief , it was Daniel Lewis !

Daniel Lewis ? Danny Boy!! was it really him ? What was he doing here in Oregon ? Twenty years no maybe more was the last I saw him.The legendary Daniel Lewis ,the king of Soul here right in front of me .

We were neighbours back then. In spite of being older by almost eighteen years we had shared a lot in those years . I used to tinker with his guitar almost every evening after school . On weekends he'd have fellow musicians over and spend the best part of saturday night jamming into the wee hours of sunday morning .

Daniel Lewis was an orphan , a gifted one . Selling newspapers playing at birthday parties and funerals saw him through school and the first year at the university What he made was still never enough.

The turning point in his life happened soon after . An agent of Coldfish records happened to visit our town during that time . Daniel had somehow managed to persuade him and land himself an audition the very next day . I remember the time I met him hurrying along home all so very excited " todays a beautiful day little Tom , destiny it seems has taken notice of me , i may have a chance , is'nt that something ! "
continued >>>

Friday, November 28, 2008

Five Addictions

1. Express myself : Be it a few lines of poetry or an emotion or thought. On paper or on a blog.Archiving myself , I must say . :)

2. Fitting the pieces together : Finding meaning in visual life through Photography. Life as I perceive it through my eyes.

3. Internet : Guess im addicted . I did go in for detox ... doesn't work. So I kind of leave the detoxing to the days im travelling or sundays .The reason i've removed my net connection at home . Don't want to turn into a night owl. ( do I hear a tuhuit! there ;P )

4 . Travel : Haven't really been getting much of it lately but I like to travel. Distant lands specially driving all by myself that too at night . Bhutan .. Nepal ..Arunachal..etc.

5 . Music : Love music and Lyrics with soul. All genres . In fact i find the right kind of music rejuvenating enough to drive long distance non stop 24x4 er at least 24 x2.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Mood tonight.

Surrounded ,
my many close ones ,
I chose loneliness.

Simple in want ,
and desire ,
I chose the supernatural.

To live ,
I envisioned death
My soul motivator .

A reasonto die
in its quest.
I chose love.

A thought.

Let not my misery find flow in words,
nor mirror reflections of my inner soul.

To be read and reread,
to empathize with me ,my loss.

No words of praise,
for my cleverly strung words of intensity.

Just let me be.

I have dwelled for far too long
on subjects of love , longing and misery.
I have nothing left to offer you.

My longings are real fraught with pain .
Pray what kind of entertainment can I offer you ?

I have witnessed my hair's greying ,
Now ever so close to my day's evening.

Somehow I wish I was born differently,
For now just let me be.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Change is good.

Well, change doesn't necessarily have to be good. But then as an adult .. one cannot help but progress in ones outlook on life & relationships provided there is strength and substance in the reasoning.
Be it strengthening of ties or the severing of , change is there . Processes of reasoning , perception etc can alter ones view of situations , provide strength that can even surprise oneself.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A concept called Time.

( Just penning down a thought )
What is time but just a concept .

We wear watches to keep track of the moment. Seconds tick away but then does it really change the present?

The day is constant , the night too. Like all planets and stars in the solar system we are suspended for eternity or otherwise may be subject to an event which would terminate the existence or change the composition of matter .

I would rather say that events , happenings be it the setting of the sun , the condensation of clouds and thereafter rain are events ... Similarly in life , time measured in minutes and seconds doesn't really make sense , events be it our waking up in the morning , eating breakfast , going to work , playing , aging falling sick are events which we define by time. Events , the intervals between events , different events is measure by a concept called time. Time in itself is just a concept .

What matters are events.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Osho : thoughts

"If you really want to know who I am, you have to be as absolutely empty as I am. Then two mirrors will be facing each other, and only emptiness will be mirrored. Infinite emptiness will be mirrored: two mirrors facing each other. But if you have some idea, then you will see your own idea in me." – Osho“Love has nothing to do with somebody else, it is your state of being. Love is not a relationship. A relationship is possible but love is not confined to it, it beyond it, it is more than that ~ man becomes mature the moment he starts loving rather than needing. He starts overflowing, he starts sharing, he starts giving. And when two mature persons are in love, one of the greatest paradoxes of life happens, one of the most beautiful phenomena… they are together, and yet tremendously alone; they are almost one. But their oneness does not destroy their individuality.”- OSHO

A handful of Stardust.

Dreams and more dreams .

Lives we spend dreaming for one happy moment , an aquisition, an attainment , a person , so very single focus in approach that happiness will only be achieved only on the attainment . Losing track of the present god given gift we possess ...Life itself.

I'm no different in any way, longing and hoping for things to go my way . Oblivious to my own existence of pulsating life within me . Heartbeats lost , wasted in worry and hope . Oxidation in full progress , losing the only other gift of time in the process.

How i wish to exist in my own shell of timelessness and fond memories . Of moments lived and moments to be 'lived' not passed through. Acceptance of my limitations as an insignificant creature with little understanding of anything , yet reveling in the glory and miracle of existence itself.

Dreams die and so do you . Why die while we live ?

I guess i should stop dreaming instead. Live life fully awake ... Dreams have no place in life.