Friday, November 28, 2008

Five Addictions

1. Express myself : Be it a few lines of poetry or an emotion or thought. On paper or on a blog.Archiving myself , I must say . :)

2. Fitting the pieces together : Finding meaning in visual life through Photography. Life as I perceive it through my eyes.

3. Internet : Guess im addicted . I did go in for detox ... doesn't work. So I kind of leave the detoxing to the days im travelling or sundays .The reason i've removed my net connection at home . Don't want to turn into a night owl. ( do I hear a tuhuit! there ;P )

4 . Travel : Haven't really been getting much of it lately but I like to travel. Distant lands specially driving all by myself that too at night . Bhutan .. Nepal ..Arunachal..etc.

5 . Music : Love music and Lyrics with soul. All genres . In fact i find the right kind of music rejuvenating enough to drive long distance non stop 24x4 er at least 24 x2.

1 comment:

Shadows of life said...

Good one!
You have to tag other friends buddy!