Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Internet & Me.

Guess i've overindulged in surfing the net the last few months. So much so that my work has suffered neglect .

How much of Internet influence should one have in ones life? If you ask me , internet should be an extension to your otherwise active life , lest we forget to use our other limbs , go out spend time with family catch up on other activities . Lose realtime in other words.

I guess i need to deaddict/ regulate my usage. I hope i can stick to my resolve to surf and post about once a week .

Hard to live in two worlds ... but I'll try . : ))

The Internet & Me.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Morning Walks : Time to be me .

Guess Im lucky to be staying in a beautiful hill station . Clean air , clear blue skies and quiet surroundings make it so very ideal for retirement : )) . i guess more than anything else its my morning walk that helps me be in touch with my self. .. my personal space.

Reflecting on the day passed , people i've met , what they have said .... My life .. feelings , poetry , world issues , work issues ...hypothetical issues. Its more a personal audience with my own self.

The walk itself is a dream , pine trees , clean streets encircling a beautiful lake all covered within an hour every morning.

I usually don't listen to music on my round but for a change decided to carry my zen this morning . Was really refreshing. In fact good soulful lyrics can really reach out to you kind of sensitize you .

The pressures of life are numbing . Its this part of the day that truely belongs to me .

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Whats love been for me ?

Over the years my definition of love has only grown , changed .

New words have been added , new meanings derived . I've really not arrived at the final word on love , it will only grow and perceptions will change over time and experience and how I shall change along with it.

A final word on love? Love is like Life itself .

A multi coloured rainbow with a thousand different hues.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

reflections of my life is it ?

About time i start writing down stuff that goes on in my mind instead of losing it to time , old age etc.

Been about 4 years I came on to my own .

Not that he was close to me ... I 've always wanted him to be ... a father to me which as far as I can remember he wasn't.

Did close my suitcase of memories and toss it over the bridge into the river that dark night.

End of darkness . Enter Light. Welcome positivity.

Never want to reopen that part of my life ... but at times it does seep in .

But what the hell. I've healed ..but that pain ? That little pain I feel as i write this , why is it still there. I hope convinced myself well enough that it'd be gone in a moment .

I know it will .. Life is positivity .

What other choice do we really have?